Our Team

Katherine Ruonala

Founder & Senior Leader

Tom Ruonala


Aaron Damianopoulos

Creative Pastor & Associate Pastor

Rebecca Damianopoulos

Women’s Ministry Coordinator & Associate Pastor

Dylan Wearne

Men’s Ministry Coordinator & Executive Pastor

Luchi Miranda

Pastoral Care Coordinator

Sarah Cheesman

Prophetic Coordinator

Naomi Tesdorpf

Children’s Coordinator

Allan Palmer

Youth Coordinator

Wayne & Chantelle Schlosz

Young Adults Coordinators

David Masih

Men’s Ministry Coordinator & Financial Manager

Kristie Wauchope

Collective Coordinator

Tony & Belinda Dobbie

Home Groups Coordinators

Christian Dobbie

Discipleship Coordinator

Ben Anderson

Livestream Coordinator & GCTV Editor

Abby Walmsley

School of Faith Coordinator

Brendan Bezemer

Service Teams Coordinator

Emily Ruonala

Executive Assistant to Pastor Katherine Ruonala

Nick Twidale

Online Engagement