
Doing life God's way

Welcome to the Glory City family where together as one we are learning to live like Christ

The following videos will help explain your journey and answer some of the questions that you may have about this new life with Jesus.

Additional Resources

Follow the links below for more resources that will help you grow and mature in your faith.

Prayer of Salvation

Did you pray to receive Jesus while visiting our website? We would like to connect with you and help you on your new journey with Jesus.

Prayer of Salvation

A Welcome from Ps. Katherine

We are so excited about your recent decision to follow Jesus! Listen to Pastor Katherine’s heart for your new journey with Jesus.

Episode One - Growing With God

In the first New Life episode, we teach how to grow and cultivate a relationship with God and what that looks like on a day-to-day basis. The main points we cover are:
  1. Reading the Bible
  2. Praying
  3. Worshipping
These 3 things are the foundation of every believer’s journey with Jesus, and so it’s a great place to start!
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Episode Two - What's Different Now?

In this episode, we teach why your life should never look the same once you’ve given your heart to Jesus Christ. The main points we cover are:
  1. Why is the Cross so important?
  2. What does it mean to be a New Creation?
  3. How can you make it all about Jesus?
This episode will help you grasp the meaning of the Cross and align you with the truth of who you now are.
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Episode Three - A Loving God

In this episode, we teach about who God is because how we see Him changes everything. The main points we cover are:
  1. Everything God does is from love
  2. How you see God influences everything
  3. You can trust God
Once you understand God’s heart and character, traversing life’s difficulties and mysteries becomes easier because you can always trust in His goodness and His love for you.
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Episode Four - Fellowship

In this episode, we teach the importance of Christian friends and Godly inputs and how we need them to grow, be loved, and mature. The main points are:
  1. What is fellowship?
  2. Why is fellowship important?
  3. Why are our inputs important?
Who we will become is strongly impacted by the things we watch, play, and listen to as well as the people we hang around. This episode explains why that is!
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